Naujawan Bharat Sabha Manifesto and Constitution

Naujawan Bharat Sabha Manifesto and Constitution
Naujawan Bharat Sabha
Manifesto and Constitution


We are presenting the manifesto and constitution of a revolutionary youth organization named ‘Naujawan Bharat Sabha (नौजवान भारत सभा)’ before the revolutionary and progressive youth of this country. The aim of this organization is to unite the scattered youth movement of the country on the basis of the understanding of a right direction and to take it forward as an integral part of the struggle of the broad masses against imperialism-capitalism.
‘Naujawan Bharat Sabha’ was formed in 2005 and the draft manifesto and the draft constitution were presented before the youth of the country at that time. After 2005, the organization was working under the leadership of a convening committee until the conference was held. Last year on 26-27-28 September 2014, the first national conference of the organization was concluded in the capital Delhi on the occasion of the 107th birth anniversary of Shaheed-E-Azam Bhagat Singh. In this conference, 150 elected delegates from all over the country participated. In the first two days of the conference, delegate sessions were organized and on the third day an open session was held. Greeting messages sent by different national and international organizations, social activists and intellectuals were read out. On the first day during delegate session, a report was presented by the convening committee on the works done in the last ten years. Subsequently the manifesto and constitution of the organization were proposed, a discussion and debate was held on its different aspects following which the manifesto and constitution were passed. Next day, the central leadership of the organization was elected via election in the form of 17-member central council and then 7 members were elected as central executive by the central council, and the executive elected 4 office-bearers. During the conference, a total of 13 proposals were presented on various topics and these were passed unanimously. Besides, members of NBS expressed their views on several topics from the House as well. In this way, the organization successfully concluded its first national conference.
Now that the conference of the organization is over, it will execute its operations on the basis of its passed manifesto and constitution under the leadership of the central council.
-Central Council
Naujawan Bharat Sabha
March, 2015

Naujawan Bharat Sabha

“When a situation of stagnation tightens its grip over people, they tremble at the very idea of change. It is necessary to engender a revolutionary spirit to break this impasse and lethargy; else the environment of degeneration and destruction comes to prevail. The public is led astray by the reactionary forces which succeed in taking them on the wrong path. Because of this human progress comes to standstill and it leads to a situation of stagnation. For changing such state of affairs it is necessary to reinvigorate the spirit of revolution so as to cause stir in the spirit of humanity.”
Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Today, we too are living in a time when the situation of stagnation has tightened its grip on people. It is an unprecedented phase, when the conservative and reactionary forces have maintained their stronghold on all the controlling peaks of the society. The wave of counter-revolution continues to dominate the wave of revolution.
In this tough historic time, Naujawan Bharat Sabha calls upon all the brave, self-respecting, awakened, justice-loving and progressive youth of this country to once again cause stir in the spirit of humanity and to reinvigorate the spirit of revolution. Our appeal is not to those youth who while lamenting the fate and circumstances are bending over backwards to tolerate all kinds of injustice and atrocity by the parasitic class of rulers and exploiters. We are not at all addressing to those youth whose “heaven” is secure in this cruel system, or those who while turning blind eye are ready to cross the swamps of blood and ravines and trenches of injustice for the sake of achieving their “heaven”. We are calling upon those brave sons and daughters of the masses to whom the islands of opulence and the towers of luxuries are not acceptable in the ocean of blood and tears, who do not consider the victory of capitalist plunderers sitting on the weapon hoard as final and who do not believe in ‘the end of history’. We call upon all those who truly are young, who have the courage to fly in the storms like a proud eagle instead of hopping like the hens in a yard, who have not left the habit of dreaming and who are ready to chart out the project of emancipation afresh and execute it.
The name of Naujawan Bharat Sabha in itself is the symbol of reviving a great revolutionary heritage and the resolve to take it forward. When the great young thinker and revolutionary Bhagat Singh along with his comrades made a new beginning, to give a new ideological basis and organize afresh the revolutionary movement of India against the colonial slavery, their first important step was to organize the youth under the flag of Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926. Two years later Bhagat Singh and his comrades founded a new revolutionary organization named ‘Hindustan Socialist Republican Association’ and declared in clear terms that the common mass of India will have to struggle for the end of capitalism and establishment of socialism after overthrowing the colonial rule. Only then the freedom of Indian masses will be real and permanent. Now this truth has become clear as daylight that the majority toiling masses and the common middle classes can achieve their true freedom only by breaking the shackles of the domestic and foreign capital. We are left with only one option and that is to start a new mass-liberation struggle against the rule of capital. We once again take resolve for a new beginning by organizing all the progressive and brave young women and men under the flag of Naujawan Bharat Sabha itself by taking inspiration and learning from the great revolutionary heritage of Bhagat Singh and his comrades. Our principal aim is to make this youth organization a centre of recruitment and education and training of the young soldiers of a new revolution.
Long before the political freedom of the county, Shaheed-E-Azam Bhagat Singh made it clear in the third decade of the last century that Congress is the party of those domestic profiteers who want to gain power for themselves by compromising with the imperialists, while for revolutionaries the meaning of freedom is not just the coming of black skin into power in place of fair skin or Purushottam Das Thakur Das being in power in place of Lord Reading and Lord Irwin. He defined the freedom as the freedom of 92 percent of people and as the end of exploitation of masses by all kinds of domestic and foreign capital besides ending the foreign domination and enunciated the aim of revolution to be the establishment of rule of common toiling masses and building an egalitarian social structure. He had predicted this in 1930 itself that the struggle of Congress will end in some kind of a compromise — and he had called upon the youth by sending message from the dungeon of prison that they will have to take the message of revolution to the factories and farms.
Today, amid the suffocating and stinking darkness of injustice-malpractice-corruption-plunder-barbarism and despair, which has engulfed us, the message of Bhagat Singh, for many brave liberation seeking sons and daughters of common people, is like an eternally burning torch on the horizon , a light-house guiding the road to future.
All the deceits and shams of freedom and democracy stand exposed now. The freedom, which the famous poet Faiz termed ‘the tainted light’, has now turned into dark moon of winter. The dreams of the masses have been shattered. Bhagat Singh’s prediction has been proved to be true word by word decades ago. Now the youth of the country are faced with a burning historic question mark. When shall we finally pay attention to Bhagat Singh’s call by being free from the illusions, confusions and deviations offered by the ruling class, the tendency of trembling or getting disappointed with the immediate failure of some early attempts or just the defeat and the tendencies of individualism and selfishness? The history stuck as it is in an impasse can move again only with the fuel of the hot young blood. Ideologically equipped, courageous sons and daughters of the masses who are ready for any sacrifice will have to come forward and take the message of revolution to every home and all the people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from the bay of Kutch to Assam. They will have to not only unitedly fight for their own legitimate rights, but also be a part of every struggle going on in the society for justice and rights. Not only will they have to sincerely serve the toilers, who build the foundation of society by melting their bones while living in the dark hell of abyss, they will also have to get intermingled with their lives and struggles. They will have to struggle for freedom from every kind of social dogma, fatalism, superstition and the suicidal fights of caste and religion and will have to create a wave of ideological and cultural revolution so that the masses can forge steely unity by breaking the chains of mental slavery and be prepared for the decisive fight against the misanthropic rule of capital.
Breaking the shackles of British slavery became possible only because of the tireless struggles and immeasurable sacrifices by the laborers-farmers and the common middle class people, but the representatives of the domestic capitalists managed to occupy the entire structure of production, governance and the society in 1947 through deceit and by taking advantage of the weaknesses of revolutionary leadership of the mass struggles. For the sake of their vested interests, they played supportive role in the conspiracy of the British colonialists to take the country on the verge of division by dividing the masses on communal basis and fomenting the devastating fire of riots. Congress party — the representative of the Indian capitalists — carried out historic betrayal by negotiating the dreams and freedom of masses. The country gained fragmented, incomplete and maimed political freedom the benefits of which were cornered by the upper 20 percent sponger, parasitic and rich population who were ready to be the hirelings of the domestic capitalists and imperialists. The ruling Indian capitalists while remaining within the ambit of the world capitalism as the ‘junior partner’ of imperialists, chose the path of gradual capitalist development, in which the right of foreign plunderers to plunder remained intact and the blood of masses kept on getting squeezed from their veins. Full opportunity was given, in the name of capitalist land reform, to the princely states-feudatories-landlords to secure their land and properties and be a part of the capitalist class in the new production-system or to become capitalist landowners. Former tenant farmers and marginal tenant farmers after becoming the owners of land also became the exploiters of laborers and turned into profit making capitalist farmers and kulaks who sell their produce in the market. In the name of so-called green revolution and white revolution, modalities of capitalist cultivation and penetration of finance capital in agriculture were promoted. The new capitalists developed in the villages also became partners in the loot and power as the whippersnapper of owner capitalists of financial and industrial system. Along with this, the big parasitic groups of merchants, contractors, higher middle class intellectuals, officers, statesmen, agents and those with black money also flourished a lot. The masses who produce all the wealth managed to receive only the crumbs of capitalist development and that too so that they could stay alive as wage slaves who keep raising the capital of profiteers by selling their labour power on meager wages after squeezing their blood and sweat inside the factories and farms.
After gaining the political freedom, a huge public sector edifice was built, with the alluring veneer of socialism over it, in which the bureaucrats and politicians were provided with the facilities of luxuries by sucking the workers and heap of capital was accumulated in the process. As the forty odd years passed by, the basic motive of building the public sector was accomplished for the ruling classes, now it had become an impediment for the further road to capitalism and the reality of pseudo socialism was also exposed in the eyes of masses. Then the process of selling the state industries, built with the blood and sweat of masses, at pittance or in other words handing them over to domestic and foreign capitalists almost for free ensued. This process which started in the name of the policies of privatization-liberalization or ‘new economic policies’ in the last decade of the last century, is continuously moving forward today with accelerated speed. Along with ceding the public sector undertakings to capitalist houses, the doors of national economy were fully opened for the foreign loot.
The period from the ninth decade of the last century until now shows that in the new era of imperialism, the iron-clamp of the domestic and foreign capital has gripped the neck of toiling masses of India even more tightly. Ferocity of disasters being brought about on daily basis by capitalism and the speed of their growth has gone up manifolds. Every year millions of small farmers are getting displaced after being uprooted from their inhabitation and land and millions of workers are becoming victims of unrestrained retrenchment and lockout. Workers’ rights earned through prolonged struggles are being snatched away one by one. In big industries too, most of the tasks are getting carried out from wage and contract laborers, for whom there is no meaning of working hours and minimum wage laws and who are deprived of even the minimum conditions of human life.
The total balance sheet of the so called development of more than half century long political independence is that 85 percent of total assets have got accumulated with the top ten percent of population of the country while the bottom 60 percent of population has only two percent of it. There are 0.01 percent of such people in the country whose income has gone up by more than two hundred times from the average income of the whole country. The net profit of the topmost twenty two capitalist houses of the country have not become double or quadruple but even more that 1000 times. Those multinational corporations are not included in these families whose net profit has gone up not by two-four times but on an average by hundreds of times. The burden of external debt, in spite of some yearly up-down, has remained above one trillion dollars for the last many years. By summing up the domestic and external liabilities, the total load of the debt of central government is going above the sixty percent of gross domestic product. The entire income of the government is spent in debt interests, salary-allowances and internal and external security heads. There is only one way left to compensate for all kinds of government deficit: to squeeze the broad toiling masses even more and make their lives even worse than hell. The poverty line that the government has set, which is bogus and mocks at the right of living like a human being, the number of people living even below that line is around 30 percent of the population today, while many economists believe that more than half of the country’s population is not able to fulfill the minimum necessities of life even after melting its bone day and night. A little more than 300 millions of population which is eligible to work either do not have any employment or do not have any regular employment. Yes, the kind of development which is certainly taking place in the country is that markets are littered with new brands of various types of cars-motorcycles-A.C.-fridge-TV-mobile-washing machines etc., paved highways are being constructed to connect the islands of luxuries. The parallel economy of black money has become so strong in the country that its increasing size is reaching around 75 percent of gross domestic product.
Today, the gap between the upper three percent of population and the lower forty percent of population of the country has become sixty times. Living standard of a handful of rich is reaching the levels of the rich of western countries, while for the poor masses the prices of food and other utilities and that of drug and treatment are going farther away from their reach. There has been incalculable increase in the expenses of primary to higher education and now even the common middle class citizen can’t dream of making his/her son an engineer or doctor. For the youth of belonging to ordinary family the accessibility to the campuses of higher education and commercial education by is becoming almost impossible now.
The reality of the capitalist democracy of the country had been exposed long ago, now we are confronted with its ugliest and the naked despotic form. All electoral parties with red-yellow-green-blue and two-colored and tricolor flags are in full consensus on anti-people economic policies. All the quarrels and one-upmanship amongst them is geared to the claim for the chair of the chief spokesman of the ruler classes. They are fighting also because in the times of crisis the rulers fight with each other like dogs. A fundamental reason of their mutual fight is also that there is never a permanent unity amongst the robbers. Capitalist politics of our country has descended to such an abyss that the difference between politicians and gangs of criminals has been wiped out. Condition of the administrative system is such that there is no difference remaining between the bureaucrats and thugs and dacoits.
The nakedness of parliamentary democracy is clear as broad daylight now. Polls fought with billions-trillions of expenditure only decide that members of which party or alliance will win the claim of “managing committee of the ruler classes” in the form of government for the next five years. The circumstances have also exposed this truth in the eyes of masses that the gigantic military system is aimed not at securing the country but at saving the rulers from the anger of masses. Similarly, the aim of police system is to keep the public terrified in the name of law and order and to guard of the vaults of capitalists. Hundreds of billions of rupees are spent every year in the country on the so called people’s representatives and the ruckus of parliament, hundreds of billions of rupees are spent on the army, hundreds of billions of rupees are spent on the bureaucratic system and hundreds of billions of rupees are spent on the police system. All of this expenditure is paid by the masses only by curtailing their basic needs. Those who are the loyal dogs of capitalist looters, they recover the full price of guarding, barking and biting. And the capitalists do not pay for this expenditure themselves; rather siphon it from the same public, whose bones they squeeze in the name of democracy.

Youths, ye soldiers of the Indian Republic, fall in: do not stand easy, do not let your knees tremble. Shake off the paralysing effects of long lethargy. Yours is a noble mission. Go out into every nook and corner of the country and prepare the ground for future revolution which is sure to come. Respond to the clarion call of duty. Do not vegetate. Grow! Every minute of your life you must think of devising means of that this your ancient land may arise with flaming eyes and fierce yawn.
– Shaheed Bhagat Singh
(Manifesto of Hindustan Socialist Republic Association)
The neo-liberal policies continuing for last 24 years have prepared a fertile ground to nourish the fundamentalist politics of BJP and Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh. Severe economic crisis of the capitalist system has taken it to such a stage where a fascist rule has become its necessity to make unabated profits for the capitalist by squeezing the toiling masses using force and crushing every voice of resistance. In fact, Indian capitalist system is implementing the only option left before it. Owing to the unanimity on the fundamental policies, the electoral parties keep on fighting over the non issues by brandishing their paper swords against each other, or they keep working on their electoral equations by instigating the fights of caste and religion and by dividing the masses. Many sham leftist parties too who claim to represent the workers’ interests, have been fully participating in the circus of power by erecting some smokescreen of protest. The wave of economic liberalisation and the erosion and degeneration of capitalist democracy have worked towards providing extensive power and base to the religious fundamentalist fascist forces already present on the socio-political stage, who have been converting the country into the blood swamps by riots and genocides and today once again are fanning the fire of hatred so that when the people hit the streets to protest against the ferociously exploitative policies, their unity could be broken. The capitalist state is becoming more and more authoritarian and with religious fascists coming into power, even the remaining capitalist democratic ‘space’ is being eliminated. Religious fundamentalists are increasing their infiltration and influence at every level of the state apparatus and society and their venomous politics is pushing fast the whole country towards a horrible bloody strife. They are posing a big challenge before revolutionaries too by impairing the class consciousness of the toilers. Struggle against the rise of fascism and its every form remains a significant task of a revolutionary youth organization. Along with running large scale ideological-cultural struggle against them, the youth will have to get prepared for a faceoff against them on streets as well.
Broadly, this happens to be the trajectory of our society from the time of gaining political freedom till today! The feeble, impaired and sick mercenary of Indian capitalism has been dragging the dray wagon of capitalist socio-political structure and has brought it to a dead end. To move ahead from here, this dray wagon will have to be taken to the junkyard, and the wall standing in front will have to be destroyed with the explosion of a new social mass revolution. History has once again placed this challenging responsibility on the shoulders of youth that they become the flag bearers of the new revolution in the new century. Today, the new revolution against the imperialism and capitalism occupies the top position on the agenda of history and India happens to be at the leading position in the queue of potential countries where the conditions of an intense swift storm are being prepared rapidly. Naujawan Bharat Sabha calls upon the youth of the country that they come forward for the preparation of a new liberation struggle, take the message of revolution to masses, be organized and struggle for justice and rights, create a catalyzing wave in the society through their struggles and make them a part of struggles of the broad toiling masses.
Our Programme
(1) the ultimate aim of Naujawan Bharat Sabha is to build a new socio-economic structure on the foundations of equality, justice and human dignity by obliterating the current socio-economic structure standing on the foundation of barbaric loot by domestic and foreign capital and it is our unwavering determination to harness the revolutionary youth energy of the country in the preparation of this historic grand battle. It is our contract with the history and promise to the future that following upon the call by Bhagat Singh, we will take the message of revolution to the factories and farms and mobilize the broad toiling masses in the struggle to establish a system in which the rules and policies to run the production, governance and society will be framed by the very people who take part in production, in which only those work will enjoy the right to live, in which there will be no place for sponging, profiteering and the privileges of those doing intellectual work. Only such a system can take our society to the untouched heights of progress by liberating it from the stranglehold of capital.
(2) We thoroughly understand that the road to this ultimate aim is very long and tortuous one, but the challenges of route cannot prevent the resolute travellers from starting the journey. The commencement of even thousands of miles long journey takes place by taking one step only. And then this has to be remembered too that we are not starting from zero. We have a rich legacy of struggles and sacrifices behind us and the revolutionary struggles of youth are going on in different parts of the country in the present time as well. What is needed is to extract the summary of positive-negative experiences of the past, to study the current situations and the new changes, to make the necessary changes in the tactics and strategies of struggle on their basis and then unify the scattered struggles of youth on the basis of a correct and precise program. While putting its programme into a action, Naujawan Bharat Sabha will continue its efforts constantly for the unity of revolutionary youth movement.
(3) The youth should not, even for a moment, forget the ultimate aim of decisive fight to smash the rule of capital, but in the long process of its preparation, they will have to participate in the movements by raising many small and big problems of everyday lives of masses, their legitimate demands and rights, will have to raise their voice against the injustices and atrocities which have become common in everyday life, will have to fight for some small and big reforms within the ambit of this system too. In this process, the revolutionary youth will get the opportunity to win the trust of masses, to prove themselves in practice, to measure their strength and to do rehearsal for the bigger battles ahead. Do remember that fighting for reforms is not necessarily reformism always. If we have the goal of revolutionary change and definite action plan then the smaller battles of reforms and rights with which we make the beginning for the purpose of making unity with the broad masses, making their consciousness militant, and awakening, mobilizing and organizing them, become the links of the long revolutionary struggle. If the reforms themselves are made the end goal, then it is like doing patch up work in the same system, which we can call reformism. But we will have to remember this too that if without awakening and organizing the broad common population in the small everyday fights of reforms and rights, if some youth dream of revolution by relying on individual valour and martyrdom then this will be the reckless mentality of the middle class revolutionism, which we call adventurism as well. Do remember that revolution is always carried out by the masses and not a handful of brave people. Every shortcut to revolution only takes us away from the revolution. Esc We will have to take the youth movement of India forward on the basis of revolutionary mass direction by keeping away from the deviations of the two extremes viz. reformism and adventurism,.
(4) The burning and immediate questions which this barbaric and misanthropic phase of capitalism has raised before the broad young population are: education becoming expensive day by day and going out reach and the persistent lack of opportunities for employment. Situation is now becoming unbearable and explosive. Conditions are getting worse because owing tio the retrenchment of millions of labourers and millions of middle class people from the factories and workplaces and millions of farmers getting uprooted from their habitations and farms every year the profiteers are getting the opportunity to exploit the labour power on even cheaper rates. Therefore the slogan which will be at the forefront of a revolutionary youth organization against the capitalist system is ‘equal education for all and equal employment opportunities to all’. Unemployment is an inevitable outcome of capitalist production system. In a society divided by classes, education is uneven from top to bottom and this disparity keeps on increasing. The education which enhances the possibilities of employment becomes the privilege of the children of a handful of rich and the usual prevalence of ‘decreasing seats and increasing fees’ pushes the poor and average middle class youth out of the campuses of higher education. Therefore the slogan of struggle against non-uniform and expensive education and unemployment in essence attacks on a general rule and a general tendency of the capitalist system. This is the principal strategic slogan of the revolutionary youth movement. The struggle of equal education and equal opportunities of employment to all will be built from the countless links of smaller struggles and will become extensive and advanced after passing through several stages. The demand of free and uniform primary education and to organize a movement to prevent the education from becoming the business for profit and to mobilize the common citizens on this demand also happens to be an important task of the youth movement and is a part of the struggle for uniform education and employment to all. Till the time the government is not able to provide work to all those capable of doing work, it must at least provide the alimentary unemployment allowance; the struggle for this demand is the most important part of the protracted ongoing struggle on the issue of education and employment. Apart from this, youth will have to firmly oppose every step of reduction in seats for higher education and increase of fees. Similarly the struggle against the system of donations in the specialized professional courses of medical, technology and management is also an issue of youth movement and to take it forward it will actively participate along with the revolutionary student organizations. The ongoing policies of privatization-liberalization in the field of education i.e. the policies of directly or indirectly handing over the education establishments to domestic or foreign capitalists are playing the most important role in taking the education more and more away from the reach of common people and in increasing the unemployment. Therefore the youth movement active for the aim of uniform education and equal opportunities of employment to all, will have to expose the real character of these policies and while struggling against them, it will have to present a blueprint of the optional pro-people policies before the youth and the whole society. By giving a thoughtful logical rebuttal of newer versions of reactionary Malthusian theory which attributes the unemployment to the growing population we will have to continually clarify this truth that the fundamental reason behind the unemployment is the profit based production system and not the growing population. When there are so many works pending related to development, natural sources and resources are also available and also the people who can work, there should not be a lack of employment. If the production is not geared for the market rather for the human needs, all the needs of all the workers can be fulfilled. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will run campaign of extensive education and propaganda against the misleading propaganda related to unemployment and population growth by struggling on the issues of education and employment so that the youth can be mobilized against the fundamental reason of unemployment which is capitalism.
(5) A constant, uncompromising struggle against the social stereotypes is a fundamental and essential responsibility of the youth movement of any country. Caste related and socio-religious stereotypes and superstitions are the shackles of mental slavery for the masses. If we do not step forward to break these shackles of mental slavery, the liberation struggle of masses against the socio-economic slavery of capitalism will also not be able to advance. The division of masses on the basis of caste and religion has always been strengthening the hands of a handful of ruling elites. The British too had derived its full advantage of this and the capitalist parties who do the politics of vote bank are also playing this game cunningly on a larger scale. Various religious superstitions do not let the masses be equipped with scientific outlook, rationality and the correct sense of history. By making the masses fatalist they deactivate their history-making power. This is the reason why the same capitalism which uses science in the production of material goods, also publicises various stereotypes and superstitions through the advanced communication media of cinema, T.V., radio, internet etc. and thus uses the techniques and devices born from science in a planned way to blunt the scientific outlook. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will constantly campaign against religious superstitions and religious and caste related stereotypes and beliefs. It will make relentless efforts to liberate the masses from the clutch of fatalism and to topple the walls of separation standing on the foundation of religion and caste. It will, in all possible manner expose the plots of publicising stereotypes and superstitions through the capitalist communication media. Apart from different social programmes, the activists of Naujawan Bharat Sabha will make every possible effort to present an example of scientific outlook from their life and conduct by opposing superstition and casteism.
(6) ‘The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting-stone of ideas’, this statement of Bhagat Singh is a guiding maxim for us. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will wage a campaign of a new revolutionary enlightenment amongst the youth through libraries, study circles, propaganda campaigns, leaflets-pamphlets, magazines-books and different cultural endeavours, will equip them with scientific outlook and a sense of history, will make them capable of understanding the capitalist production, governance and the structure of society and will provide them with understanding on how this system can be smashed and a revolutionary alternative be built. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will constantly propagate and promote the socialist life-values and culture by exposing the misanthropic reality of capitalist life-values and culture. A radical social revolution cannot be even imagined without creating a wave of ideological and cultural revolution. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will acquaint the youth with the history of revolutions and the legacy of revolutionary ideas and then will appeal to them to take this treasure of ideas to the toiling masses. Today’s children are tomorrow’s young. Therefore Naujawan Bharat Sabha considers its important responsibility to also work on children’s front. Current education system, cinema-T.V. and vulgar children’s literature are making the child psyche sick and blunt instead of giving it scientific vision. Through its socio-cultural programmes, children’s libraries, forming children groups, workshops and programmes of child education, Naujawan Bharat Sabha will attempt to liberate the children from stereotypes and superstitions and provide them with scientific outlook.
(7) Naujawan Bharat Sabha will keep exposing the anti-people character of all the capitalist parties including the parliamentary left parties which falsely claim to be the leaders of toilers, and will keep on cautioning the youth from becoming their tail and will keep on warning the masses that they should not be dodged by them. While exposing the parliamentary democracy Naujawan Bharat Sabha will, through its propaganda activities, constantly tell the common working and middle class population that this democracy is in reality a repressive system of rich, it is democracy for the top twenty percent predatory and parasitic population and arbitrary ruthless autocracy for the rest eighty percent of masses. While exposing all the deceits and shams of the capitalist electoral politics, Naujawan Bharat Sabha will struggle at every level against the religious fundamentalist forces of the fascist politics which have, in the phase of structural crisis of capitalist system, acquired a devastating form, which keep on conducting saturnalia of genocides by taking advantage of the religious dogmas prevailing among the people and keep on deriving electoral advantage by preying on the corpses. Other electoral parties who claim to oppose them also make use of religion and caste for the politics of vote bank and indirectly nurture communal fascism. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will make every effort to make the broad masses aware of this truth that the communal fascist forces can’t be eliminated by defeating them in the arena of electoral politics by any capitalist party or by electoral leftists. Only the militant unity of the broad masses and the process of revolutionary mass struggles can actually push them back and then take them to their grave. Exposing the sham of ‘SarvaDharmSambhav(equal respect to all religions)’, Naujawan Bharat Sabha will publicise and propagate the real values of secularism and will make it clear to the public that real secularism is complete separation of religion from the socio-political life by considering the religious faith or belief in atheism as the personal matter of every citizen.
(8) The only criterion of whether a youth is revolutionary or not can be whether or not he/she completely intermingles with the toiling masses, whether he/she totally connects with their lives and struggles or not. By living a simple and diligent life, activists of Naujawan Bharat Sabha will establish solidarity with the broad toiling masses and will present inspirational examples before the youth of the country. They will make efforts, as far as possible, to participate in productive activities by taking time off from their personal lives and political engagements, will constantly try to elevate the level of consciousness of the toiling masses through different educational and cultural activities among them and will be actively involved in their daily lives and struggles. They will learn from the public before teaching them and will genuinely follow the maxim ‘serve the people’. Going among the common public and productive activities, soldiers of Naujawan Bharat Sabha will closely study the society which they intend to change because it’s necessary to know the things in order to change them and one has to transform oneself only in the process of transforming things.
(9) In any system it is the culture of the ruling class remains dominant on the entire society and even on the social institutions and education system also it is the ideological and political hegemony of the ruling class which prevails. The entire socio-economic structure can be changed only when the toiling masses establish their own state by smashing the state of the ruling class. The thought of transforming the society through different educational-cultural endeavours and social creative works is a reformist one which capitalist intellectuals have always been publicising. Naujawan Bharat Sabha dismisses this reformist viewpoint in its entirety, but in order to prepare the public for the political struggle, it considers the role of socio-cultural-educational creative works and the programs of creating alternative institutions in these fields to be inevitable. Through the medium of these efforts the youth community establishes solidarity with the broad masses, wins their trust, stirs the public initiative and presents a general picture of education, culture and social institutions of the upcoming society before the public. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will create the institutions for child education amongst the poor toiling masses of cities and villages, will organise various cultural programmes, will run cultural campaigns, will organise cultural groups of toilers, will organise health and medical camps and public health education camps with the help of supportive doctors and medical students, will organise night schools for adult education, will found libraries, will run extensive publicity campaigns against alcoholism, dowry system, untouchability and all social evils, will run cleanliness drives from time to time, and will organise various types of creative programmes.
(10) Naujawan Bharat Sabha will vigorously run publicity-campaigns against male-female inequality, exploitation of women, their domestic slavery and the culture of patriarchy as without awakening the initiative of women who constitute half of the population, without their active participation in social life, no mass liberation struggle can reach the stage of victory. The struggle against capitalism can’t be advanced without struggling for the liberation of women and the liberation of women is not completely possible without liberating the society from the chains of capitalism. Naujawan Bharat Sabha will make every possible effort for maximum participation of young women in all of its activities. It will mobilize youth to fiercely oppose all barbaric institutions which oppress women such as religious malpractices and casteist stereotypes, orthodox social practices and customs and dowry system, will constantly raise voice against the oppressive character of law and order towards women and will firmly take positions against the incidents of oppression of women.
(11) Naujawan Bharat Sabha will constantly struggle against the colonial legacy of the English language and the anti-people elite culture of Englishism. It will struggle for making Indian languages as the medium of the works in education, governance and judiciary to and to give equal status to all Indian languages.
(12) Naujawan Bharat Sabha opposes the repression-oppression of various nationalities of the country, supports their justified struggles and considers their democratic right of self-determination to be completely legitimate. Besides, it strongly opposes every intrigue of dividing the masses and their struggles on linguistic or regional basis and calls upon the youth that along with making their countrywide unity steadfast they should also make every possible effort to free the masses from the mentality of linguistic or regional narrow division.
(13) Only those who love life passionately can dream of a better life and then in order to make it come true can give every kind of sacrifice. It is necessary for the young soldiers of social revolution that they be physically and mentally healthy, and be full of enthusiasm, liveliness, initiative and creative energy along with iron-discipline and unbreakable unity. Towards this purpose, Naujawan Bharat Sabha will regularly organise the programs of sports and physical education, will organise volunteer squads, will organise camps and workshops for productive activities and for training in crafts and arts, will make programs of tour-visits from time to time and plan various programs for the cultural advancement of young activists along with political consciousness.
(14) Naujawan Bharat Sabha will support every struggle of common masses against imperialism and domestic capitalist system which may arise in any corner of the country and provide it its every possible aid. Naujawan Bharat Sabha considers it its duty and responsibility to support and participate in every justified struggle of toilers and common middle class population. Naujawan Bharat Sabha expresses its solidarity with every movement of civil liberty and democratic rights and promises them of its active support.
(15) ‘Youth should keep away from politics’, ‘they should focus on their careers instead of country’: Naujawan Bharat Sabha rejects such ideas outrightly. It’s a proven fact of history that the brave sons-daughters of masses are the fortune creators and future builders of a country and society. Intellectuals who peddle the rotten ideas of non-politicization and socially alienated self-obsession amongst the youth are basically the hirelings of the ruling classes who want to separate the youth community from the organised struggle for a better future.
(16) Naujawan Bharat Sabha strongly opposes the non-governmental and self-help organisations, warns the youth of the country against their perilous conspiracies and calls upon them to awaken the broad masses against these conspiracies. These organisations, which mainly run on the contributions of imperialists, and also on the funding by the trusts of domestic capitalists and government, (i) work as an effective ‘safety valves’ of the capitalist system (and of the world capitalist system as a whole) and adopt newer cunning ways of reformist patchworks, (ii) work as the ‘speed breakers’ on the path of reaching the inevitable culmination of fierce mass explosion due to effects of policies of globalisation, (iii) make the radical youth equipped with the possibility of recruitment amongst the revolutionary ranks sink into the swamp of reformism by alluring and deluding them under the guise of social works, make them corrupt by making them “salaried social activists” and appropriate them withn the system, (iv) depoliticize the consciousness of the youth and the whole masses by peddling the rotten ideas of “non-party activism”, (v) lose sight of the fundamental class-division of the society by giving over-emphasis to social groups, strata, identities, racism, sexism or differences persisting on regional grounds, blunt the class consciousness of masses, disintegrate the mass struggles and serve capitalism through efforts of stopping the advancement of class struggle, (vi) these organisations play the roles of essential supplements of imperialist international organisations in making the penetration of finance capital extensive and deep in the backward countries in a different manner, by trying to give a “human” face to the policies of globalisation. ‘N.G.O.-reformism’ is basically a Trojan horse of the world capitalism, it is a new line of defence of the capitalist system, it is a dangerous imperialist vicious circle. Naujawan Bharat Sabha considers it as its absolutely essential duty to expose the reality of these wolves wearing the skin of sheep, to warn the youth and the whole masses against them.
Anchor falls in the shallow stagnant waters.
Believe in the extensive and surprising ocean
Where the tide is always fresh
Where the powerful streams are independent
There fortuitously, O’ young Columbus
Can be your new world of truth.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh
(Naujawan Bharat Sabha, the Manifesto of Lahore)
(17) Naujawan Bharat Sabha declares unswerving and uncompromising struggle against those divisive and disruptive forces, who keep trying to weaken or divide the youth movement by dividing the youth on the basis of caste or religion or region, or by making them the henchmen of this or that capitalist or sham leftist party. It also declares struggle against those ultra-reactionary forces which keep hatching the conspiracies to recruit the frustrated-misguided youth in the ranks of fascists by inducing the fads of bigotry and jingoism.
(18) Naujawan Bharat Sabha is not only the fervent supporter of the unity of the youth movement of the whole country; it also favours all the struggles of all the revolutionary, progressive, justice-loving youth of the whole world. It declares its commitment towards the militant international solidarity of revolutionary youth.
(19) Naujawan Bharat Sabha lends its support to the anti-imperialist struggle of masses going on in any country of the world. Wherever the toiling masses are struggling against capitalism for their rights, Naujawan Bharat Sabha declares its support and solidarity towards it. Besides opposing the imperialist plunder going on in the whole world, Naujawan Bharat Sabha also strongly opposes the imperialist attack on any country, imperialist infiltration and coup conspiracies and all the imperialist wars. It also strongly opposes the despicable anti-people trends such as racism, apartheid and Zionism.
Three days before the hanging, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev had written in their letter sent to the governor of Punjab that their struggle is a part of the continuing war against capitalism and it will go on until the powerful people, whether they are English capitalist or Indian, have their monopoly on the Indian public and the means of income of the workers and continue to suck their blood. They had declared this in the letter: “The choice of the course, whether bloody or comparatively peaceful, which it should adopt rests with you. Choose whichever you like. But that war shall be incessantly waged without taking into consideration the petty (illegible) and the meaningless ethical ideologies. It shall be waged ever with new vigour, greater audacity and unflinching determination till the Socialist Republic is established and the present social order is completely replaced by a new social order, based on social prosperity and thus every sort of exploitation is put an end to and the humanity is ushered into the era of genuine and permanent peace.” This conviction was expressed in the letter that: “In the very near future the final battle shall be fought and final settlement arrived at.”
Today when we study the condition of world capitalism in historical background and examine its structural economic crises, we find the above evaluation by Bhagat Singh and his comrades to be quite true and accurate. The general direction of the development of world history is indicating that we have entered into the century of end of the era of capitalism. This century is the century of decisive war against the rule of capital. Though today the aggressiveness of the rabid forces of reaction are on their peak on the world level after the defeat of progressive forces of history in the first round of historical world grand battle in the last century, the signs of arrival are also coming from different countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa. Now only time will tell as to which country’s youth will take the initiative to convert the upcoming historical storm into social revolution by giving it a definite direction. Naujawan Bharat Sabha calls upon all the courageous, self-respecting and progressive youth of India to get ready for this grand task. Naujawan Bharat Sabha appeals to all the brave sons and daughters of the masses:
Arise! Awake!! March!!!
Get united! Get organised!! Take forward the struggles!!!
Learn from the legacy of revolutions of the past! Study
the present!! Dream for a new future!!! Chart out a new project of liberation and execute that!!!!

Naujawan Bharat Sabha
Draft Constitution

Article – 1
Name of the Organisation
The name of the organisation will be Naujawan Bharat Sabha. Its abbreviation form will be Naubhas (नौभास) in Hindi and NBS in English.
Article – 2
Flag and Symbol
The ratio of length and width of the flag of the organisation will be 3:2. Flag will be vertically divided in blue and red colours. 1/3rd part from the left side will be blue and 2/3rd part from the right side will be red. There will be three pentagonal stars of red colour in the upper left corner of the blue colour part and below them will be a raised fist in white colour.
Blue colour of the flag is the symbol of youthful energy and visionary ingenuity, while red colour is the symbol of fighting spirit of revolutionary struggles and the spirit of sacrifice of youth. Three red stars are the symbol of revolutionary ideals, tenacious solidarity and ideological vision and direction of youth. Besides, these three red stars are also the symbol of class mobilization of urban and rural proletarian class, other poor toilers and semi-proletarian class and the urban and rural middle class youth against capitalism and imperialism. Five corners of the stars are the symbol of militant solidarity of the revolutionary youth of the five continents of the whole world. Raised fist is the symbol of unwavering determination of youth. White colour of the fist is the symbol of integrity, simplicity and honesty of revolutionary youth.
Article – 3
Goals and Objectives
(i) To awaken, mobilise and organise the youth community (young men and women) for struggle against imperialism and capitalism and socialist revolution.
(ii) To connect the youth community with the lives and struggles of the broad toiling masses, to harness them into the service of toilers, to give support and actively participate into movements and struggles by different exploited classes for their demands and rights.
(iii) To organise countrywide youth movement against the capitalist system on the demand of ‘uniform education for all and equal employment opportunities to all’. To raise the demand of alimentary unemployment allowance as the immediate issue of the struggle during this long process. To oppose the devious efforts of ‘decreasing seats and increasing fees’ and elitism of education. To constantly work on organising the countrywide revolutionary student-youth movement on the question of education and employment. To oppose the present anti-people, unscientific capitalist education system, to struggle for the scientific, socialist education system and to actively cooperates with the student organisations active towards this objective.
(iv) To constantly and fiercely oppose and constantly run uncompromising struggle against all forms of socio-religious dogmas, superstitions, religious extremism, prodigal pompous rituals, culture of discrimination on the basis of caste, Dalit-oppression and derogatory behaviour towards them, suppression of minorities, women oppression and the mentality and culture of male chauvinism. To struggle against the discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, language, sectarianism, race and gender and exploitation and oppression.
(v) To struggle for the values of true secularism while propagating and promoting them, to struggle for complete separation of religion from socio-political institutions and activities, to struggle for the equal freedom of different personal beliefs of citizens.
(vi) To struggle for civil liberties and democratic rights and to support every such struggle as per the strength and with true heart. To continue the task of education and exposure of the deceits-shams and lies of capitalist democracy among the masses and particularly among the youth.
(vii) To constantly expose the anti-people character of all the capitalist parties and the parliamentary leftist parties before the youth and the entire public. To expose the reality of every kind of reformism and especially ‘N.G.O. reformism’. To caution the youth about the dangerous conspiracy of N.G.Os and organise the youth against them. To mobilize the youth in a militant manner against the religious fundamentalist fascists.
(viii) To ideologically-politically educate the youth in order to free them from the middle class adventurist mentality of quickly bringing revolution without passing through the long process of awakening and organising the broad masses, with the help of chivalry and sacrifices of a handful of people and weapon power and the mentality of hero-worshipping and to apply the revolutionary mass line.
(ix) To equip the youth community with scientific outlook and the correct sense of history, to make every possible effort for their cultural upliftment and ideological-political education and training. To prepare the youth squads for revolutionary cultural campaigns and political propaganda campaigns amongst the public. To educate the youth community against the mentality and culture borne out of the difference between mental labour and physical labour and to make efforts to connect them with productive labour through different initiatives. To propagate and promote the culture of labour amongst the youth and in the whole society. To prepare the youth to live a simple and diligent life and to take the message of revolution amongst the toiling masses. To generate passion, liveliness and creativity besides discipline and collectivism into them.
(x) To oppose the oppression of nationalities and to accept their right to self-determination along with separation.
(xi) To oppose jingoism constantly being spread by the ruling classes and regional-national-linguistic parochialism which divide the public.
(xii) To lend support to youth movement going on in any part of the country for just demands, to constantly try to make united front with youth organisations active for similar goals and unite them and to forge the countrywide unity of the youth movement.
(xiii) To constantly make efforts for solidarity with the revolutionary youth organisations and movements of the entire world, to have friendly relations with them and to emphasise on the international solidarity of the revolutionary youth.
(xiv) To extend support to the revolutionary struggles and movements of masses against imperialism and capitalism ongoing in any corner of the world.
Article – 4
Basic Programme
(i) To do investigations and surveys, send study groups in different areas from time to time in order to concretely understand the lives and problems of youth. To make efforts to organize movements in accordance with the situation, power and consciousness for the demands, problems and necessities of youth on the basis of our program and contemporary objective situations.
(ii) To constantly make efforts for theoretical propaganda and education, agitational propaganda and to start movement for just demands amongst the youth, wherever a unit of the organisation is present.
(iii) To take the problems and just demands of youth and broad masses before the concerned officials and government, in accordance with our goal and objective and to be constantly involved in efforts of starting militant youth movement and militant mass-movement from local to regional, and then on higher levels.
(iv) To lend active support to agitating students on demands related to the field of education, to keep making efforts in direction of gradually starting more and more broader and more and more militant students-youth movement on demands of employment and education.
(v) To support any movement of youth, students and common public which arises spontaneously on just demands in its work area and sphere of influence and make every possible effort to take it forward in the right direction by actively participating into them. Make all possible efforts to form a united front on the basis of minimum consensus with the pro-people forces active in the ongoing movements on just demands.
(vi) Despite the differences about the programme or the direction of youth movement, to be constantly trying to form issue based united front and engage in common activities with all fraternal revolutionary youth organisations and revolutionary students’ organisations and for the countrywide unity of revolutionary organisations.
(vii) To organise movements on the public problems of the work area on its own initiative, to participate in movements which may have arisen and to try to make issue based united front with the agitating forces representing different classes and strata of people. To try to make issue based long term or short term united front with the revolutionary mass organisations as per the circumstances.
(viii) To extensively propagate its goal and programme through leaflets, booklets, Nukkad Sabhas (street meetings) , door to door campaigns and marches etc, run membership campaign and organise basic units by taking militant, sensible and active youth.
(ix) In order to clarify our goal and objective and revolutionisation of the consciousness of youth on an more and more widespread level, to publish leaflets-booklets-books and periodicals-magazines, to found libraries, to organise study circles, study groups, symposium, seminar and lectures of progressive intellectuals.
(x) To organise cultural camps, workshops etc for cultural upliftment of youth and to make the tool of culture more and more effective in the propaganda works of youth movement.
(xi) To organise cultural propaganda tours and cultural campaigns, to organise theatrical troupes, singing groups and cultural propaganda squads and to organise various cultural programs for revolutionary propaganda amongst the youth and the whole society for strengthening the cultural works.
(xii) Organisation of night-schools, child education programs, cleanliness drives, health and medical camps etc among the urban workers and rural poor in order to inspire the youth to intermingle with the masses, serve them, learn from them and to adopt the labour-culture and to connect the revolutionary youth movement with the broad toiling masses. To organise various programs in order to increase the participation of women in education and socio-political activities.
(xiii) To organise the prohibition campaign, anti-dowry campaign, anti-casteism campaign, anti religious dogma and anti-superstition campaign, anti women-oppression campaign etc as militant social movement. To inspire the youth for eradication of social evils by setting an example from our lives, to resist the incidents of women oppression in organised manner, to organise collective banquet and mass wedding programs etc for breaking the caste barriers.
(xiv) To organise sports programs, physical education and exercise, programs of tour and tourism etc in order to promote enthusiasm, awareness, liveliness, discipline, collectivism, socialization, health consciousness and creativity amongst the youth. To organise the volunteer squads of youth.
(xv) To mobilize broad public support by running campaigns during natural calamities such as flood, drought, earthquake and epidemics and to send the help-groups of volunteers in the affected regions. To stand firmly on the side of oppressed and for their safety during communal and caste based riots or in the incidents of Dalit oppression and strive towards restoring normalcy.
(xvi) To organise conferences and seminars etc of youth by taking different questions from regional to national level and to prepare action plan for propaganda and struggle on different issues.
(xvii) To send delegation in national and international students-youth conferences in accordance with the need and usefulness.
Article – 5
Code – 1: Conditions of Membership
(i) Any Indian youth (female or male) in the age of fifteen years to forty years, irrespective of his/her nationality, religion, caste or race, irrespective of his/her mother tongue, can be given the membership of the organisation, if he/she accepts the manifesto and constitution of Naujawan Bharat Sabha, regularly pays its annual membership fee, and works in accordance with the stated programme for the fulfilment of goals and objectives of the organisation.
(ii) Annual membership fee of the organisation will be ten rupees.
(iii) Generally, the membership will be for one calendar year.
(iv) Every member will have the freedom to be the member of any such organisation or forum whose objectives do not clash with broad public interests and the objectives of Naujawan Bharat Sabha.
Code – 2: Rights of Members
(i) Every member will have the right to elect a representative or be elected as one in the organisational polls, without any pressure or condition.
(ii) Every member will have the right to resign from his/her position or membership of the organisation.
(iii) Every member will have the right to present his/her point of view before the local leadership. He/she will have the right to take his/her point of view to the central leadership through the intermediary committees or directly, to give his/her suggestions or to disagree.
Code – 3: Duties and Responsibilities of Members
(i) It will the duty of every member to work for the fulfilment of goals and objectives of the organisation, to extensively promote them, to execute its programme and to take part in its programmes and movements in accordance with the manifesto of the organisation,.
(ii) It will be a suty of every member to implement the decisions of central conferences or conferences below this level and committees above.
(iii) It will be the duty of every member to implement the decision of concerned unit or committee passed by majority.
(iv) It will be the duty of every member that he/she reads publications of the organisation and make them popular.
(v) It will be the duty of every member that he/she lives a simple, diligent, disciplined life with high moral standards, to serve the public and not to do anything which is opposed to the interests and ideals of the organisation.
(vi) It will be the duty of every member that he/she does not participate in any political-social-cultural activity which is opposed to the goal and program of the organisation.
Article – 6
Organisational Rules and Structure of the Organisation
Code – 1: Organisational Rules
(i) An individual will be subordinate to the collective at every level in the organisation.
(ii) Committee below will be subordinate to the committee above it.
(iii) Whole organisation will be subordinate to the central council.
Code – 1: Organisational Structure
(i) Central conference
(ii) Central council
(iii) Central executive
(iv) Units and their committees organised on the basis of states or certain areas
(v) Basic units
Article – 7
Modus Operandi of the Organisation and Rights and Duties of Bodies and office-bearers
Code – 1: Central Conference
(i) Central conference will be the highest body of the organisation.
(ii) Central conference will be generally held on every three years.
(iii) Central council will decide the time, place and agenda of the central conference.
(iv) Special conference of the organisation can be called at anytime if in a special circumstances central council feels the necessity, or on the demand of sixty percent or more committees at any one level of the organisation or sixty percent or more basic units or sixty percent members.
(v) Generally, notification of the central conference will be issued in three months advance by the central council. This period can be of 45 days in special circumstances. Notification of special conference will be issued at least in 30 days advance by the central council.
(vi) Delegates to the conference will be elected by all the basic units. Central council will decide the proportional criterion (that is to say on how many members one delegate will be chosen) of delegate election.
(vii) All members of the central council will be ex officio representatives of the conference, who will have the right to vote.
(viii) Normally, tenure of the central conference will be of three days. In special circumstances the Central council can make it of two days too. Tenure of the special conference can be from one to three days as per the need.
(ix) Central conference will review the works of the period from the time of last conference to current time, will decide policies and programmes for the future, will examine and review the financial report and will formulate financial policies for the duration up to the next conference and will decide budget, will elect the central council and will amend the constitution if needed so.
Code – 2: Central Council
(i) Central council will be the highest policy-making body of the organisation during the period in between two conferences.
(ii) Central council will have its meetings every six months.
(iii) There will be a total of seventeen members in the central council. In the event of expulsion, resignation or death of a member, central council will have the right to co-opt a new member.
(iv) The quorum of a minimum of nine members will be compulsory for any meeting of the central council.
(v) Election of central executive by the central council will be compulsory within 48 hours of the next election.
Code – 3: Central Executive
(i) Central council will be the highest executive body of the organisation during the period in between two conferences.
(ii) Central executive will have a total of seven members, whom central council will elect from its own members. Central council can take the resignation of any member of central council if needed so.
(iii) It will be the responsibility of central executive to execute the decisions taken in between the two meetings of central council. Responsibilities of all central publications of the organisation and appointment of editor or editorial board as per the need.
(iv) Central executive will have its regular meetings at every three months. If the need be, it can call its special meeting on one week notification. Emergency meeting can be called at anytime on two days notification. Presence of five members will be compulsory for the quorum of the meeting.
(v) After every central conference, within 24 hours of being elected by the new central council, central executive will elect the following office-bearers from its own ranks:
(a) Chairman
(b) Vice-chairman
(c) General Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(vi) Central executive can form different sub-committees in accordance with the need and can give special responsibility to any member amongst itself or from any committee below it. Central executive will have the right to co-opt the new members in the event of death, expulsion or resignation of any of its members.
Code – 4: Liabilities of Office-bearers
(i) Chairman shall preside over the meetings of central council and executive. In his/her absence, Vice-chairman will take this responsibility. If he/she is also absent, then the person elected by the meeting will take this responsibility.
(ii) General Secretary will be liable for the tasks of headquarter and will be the custodian of all of its properties and records. He/she will prepare the agenda and reports for the meetings of central council and central executive and will present them in the meetings. In every central conference, General Secretary will present the political and organisational report passed by the central council.
(iii) Chairman and General Secretary will represent the organisation.
(iv) Treasurer, with the help of General Secretary, will operate the central funds, will do inspection and examination of the funds and finance related policies of the committees below and will present the financial report in the meetings of central council and central executive and in the central conference.
Code – 4: Committees at lower levels, their Conferences and basic Units
(i) In accordance with the requirements of states, organisational power and works, on the basis of certain areas, conference of members or the delegates elected by central council on some definite proportional basis will be held, generally after the central conference.
(ii) These conferences will elect the committees at their level (such as state committee/area committee/district committee). These committees will give leadership to the organisation below their level; will implement the programme and policies of the organisation under the leadership of central executive on the guidelines of central council and under the leadership of the committee above, will review the reports of works of the bodies under them and will give them necessary instructions and will regularly send the reports of their works to the committees above. The responsibilities of the secretaries of these committees will be as those of Chairman and General Secretary at the central level. The responsibilities of their treasurers will also be same as those of the Treasurer at the central level. In the matters related to rights, responsibilities and modus operandi, there will be a general resemblance of the lower level committees with the central executive. On arising any kind of constitutional obstacle or in the event of ambiguity of rules, guidelines and decisions of the central council will be considered as final and during the interim period of the next meeting of the central council the guidelines and decisions of the central executive will be considered as final.
(iii) The bottommost committee formed on the basis of a definite area can form a basic unit of the organisation by taking a minimum of five members anywhere in its area of work. Basic unit will achieve the status of recognised unit only after acceptance of the committee just above the above mentioned committee. The basic unit will elect its in-charge who will regularly send the report of works to the committee above. Which basic unit or how many basic units together should be given the right to chose a regional committee will be decided by the committee just above.
(iv) In accordance with the need, central executive can form preparatory committee by taking some old and some new members on the basis of a certain area, to carry out propaganda and initial activities in the new areas of work, which will keep working as an ad hoc committee or ad hoc basic unit under the central executive or the committee designated by it, until the committee above it or the central executive grants it permanent recognition.
(v) Attendance of 60 percent of members will be compulsory for the meetings committee and basic unit at every level below the central executive.
Article – 8
Affiliate Membership
(i) If the objectives and goals of any youth organisation working in any part of the country essentially and primarily match the objectives and goals of Naujawan Bharat Sabha, if there are similarities in the essential points of the fundamental programmes of it and Naujawan Bharat Sabha and if satisfactory information is available showing their militant revolutionary character, the central council of Naujawan Bharat Sabha can give it the affiliate membership of the organisation after proper consultation, but the confirmation of this decision of central council by the forthcoming central conference will be compulsory.
(ii) The youth organisation with the affiliate membership will have its own programme and constitution, but the presence in its central conference and participation in debates by the central delegation of Naujawan Bharat Sabha will be a mandatory condition of affiliate membership.
(iii) Representatives of the affiliate organisation will have the right of presence and discussion and participation in debates in the central conference of Naujawan Bharat Sabha but they will not have the right to vote.
(iv) Central council will have the full right to cancel the affiliate membership of a particular organisation on any fundamental difference arising in the orientation and program or degradation or deviation arising in its revolutionary character.
(v) It will be also be a condition of affiliate membership that this organisation regularly sends the report of its tasks to the central executive of Naujawan Bharat Sabha and adopts a healthy revolutionary attitude toward the building of a countrywide youth movement and shared actions by being free from sectarian localised deviations.
Article – 9
Disciplinary Actions
(i) If any member or any unit of Naujawan Bharat Sabha contravenes objectives and goals of the organisation, does not implement its programme or contravenes it, violates orders and instructions of constitution or leadership of the organisation and damages credibility of the organisation from his/her behaviour then organisation will have the right to take disciplinary action against him/her, which will include warning, suspension, expulsion or cancel the recognition, in the context of units.
(ii) Concerned committee or the concerned committee authorised by the central executive will have the right of disciplinary action against the member contravening the constitution and programme. Concerned committee will have to send each of such decisions to the committee just above for acceptance.
(iii) The unit against which disciplinary action has been taken will have the right to provide explanation to the concerned committee and appeal to the committee above till the central executive.
(iv) The member against whom the action of suspension or expulsion has been taken will have the right to directly appeal before the concerned committee, and then before the higher committee and then directly before the central executive.
(v) Central executive will have the right to cancel the recognition of any committee below, any local committee or any basic unit in the event of acting against the goals and interests of the organisation. In the event of cancellation of a committee above local committee, it will be compulsory for the central executive to get approval of its decision from the central council. In the event of cancellation of recognition of a committee, central executive can re-form the above committee by taking advice from the committee just above it or the committee even above that.
Article – 10
Amendment to the Constitution
(i) Only the central conference will have the right to make changes or amendments in the constitution.
(ii) In the event of any amendment proposed in the constitution by any unit or any of its members, central executive will have to provide its information to the conference at least three months in advance. If the central executive itself wants to present any amendment in the constitution then it will have to provide its information to the central council and the committee just below it at least three months in advance.
(iii) Draft of any important proposal related to constitution amendment will be sent to all the basic units by the central executive for consideration before the conference.
(iv) Besides the former central executive, every delegate will have the right to propose any amendment in the constitution during the conference, but any amendment will be considered as accepted only when it is passes by two-thirds of the delegates present in the conference.
Article – 11
Rules – By-laws
(i) Central executive will have the right to make necessary rules and by-laws within the framework of constitution, from time to time, but their approval will be necessary by the forthcoming meeting of the central council.

Office-bearers of the Organisation elected by the Central Executive
Chairman: Arvind
Vice-chairman: Yogesh
General Secretary: Chindarpal
Treasurer: Shvaita

Members of the Central Executive Elected by the Central Council
1. Arvind
2. Chindarpal
3. Apoorva
4. Neeshu
5. Shvaita
6. Angad
7. Yogesh

Central Executive Elected in the Central Conference of NBS
1. Angad
2. Yogesh
3. Apoorva
4. Shvaita
5. Arvind
6. Virat
7. Ramesh
8. Chindarpal
9. Susheel
10. Varuni
11. Nitin
12. Neeshu
13. Kulwinder
14. Manav
15. Prasen
16. Akshay
17. Vishal

Central Office of Naujawan Bharat Sabha
Address: Patti Lehna, Pakkhowaal, Ludhiana, Pin: 141108, Punjab.

Points of Contact:-
Phone No.: 08010156365(Chairman), 09888401288(General Secretary).
Facebook Page:

The youth will have to spread this revolutionary message to the far corner of the country. They have to awaken crores of slum-dwellers of the industrial areas and villagers living in worn-out cottages, so that we will be independent and the exploitation of man by man will become impossibility.
-Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt

(Letter in the Name of Students)

Life of constant struggle, suffering and sacrifice is needed. Crush your individuality first. Shake off the dreams of personal comfort. Then start to work. Inch by inch you shall have to proceed. It needs courage, perseverance and very strong determination. No difficulties and no hardships shall discourage you. No failure and betrayals shall dishearten you. No travails (!) imposed upon you shall snuff out the revolutionary zeal in you. Through the ordeal of sufferings and sacrifice you shall come out victorious. And these individual victories shall be the valuable assets of the revolution.
-Shaheed Bhagat Singh
(Draft of the Revolutionary Programme)

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