Step forward in support of the struggling students of Jamia Millia Islamia and against the brutality perpetrated by the Jamia administration and the police!

Step forward in support of the struggling students of Jamia Millia Islamia and against the brutality perpetrated by the Jamia administration and the police!

Attacks on democratic rights will not be tolerated!


Before dawn on 13th February 2025, Delhi Police entered the campus of Jamia Millia Islamia, beat up the protesting students, and detained them. The students were beaten up by the police in custody, and their whereabouts were not revealed for a long time.

The recent series of protests started on 16 December 2024 when the university administration prevented students from gathering to remember the horrific night of 15 December 2019. On 15 December 2019, the police and other state armed forces attacked students protesting against the fascist laws CAA-NRC brought to communalize society. Even the students studying in the library were attacked, due to which many students were seriously injured. Despite all the obstacles, the students successfully showed their solidarity on 16 December 2024. Thereafter, show cause notices were sent to 4 students involved in the protest and a disciplinary committee was set up against them. Thereafter, the protests against this dictatorial attitude of Vice Chancellor Mazhar Asif, who was a member of ABVP, intensified even more.

Suppressing this protest, the police beat up the students on 13 February 2025 and also tortured them by taking them into custody. The female students said that at 5:30 am on 13 February, they were detained and misbehaved with by male policemen. After this, 17 students were suspended by the Jamia administration. The Jamia administration shamelessly did not stop here. The personal information, phone numbers, etc., related to these 17 people, including female students, were pasted on the notice board. These steps by the Jamia administration are a strong attack on the basic democratic right of the students to protest. It is being opposed across the country.

The Jamia violence is not an unexpected incident. The increasing fascist repression in the country is also reflected in university campuses, which are special targets of fascists because they are centers of scientific temperament and reasoning. This is not the first incident of this kind. Although the process of repression of common student interests continues regularly, fascists carry out big repressive incidents in a planned manner so that fear can be established among the students and the public. Jamia is a special target because it is a ‘minority’ institution, and the RSS-BJP mainly aims to establish Muslims as the (‘imaginary’) enemy. The aim of the Sangh Parivar to accelerate this project by targeting Jamia is also reflected in the propaganda of the lapdog media on the issue. These attacks on Jamia are aimed at both suppressing the BJP’s political resistance (Jamia students have a history of fighting against oppression) and establishing the image of Muslims as the ‘imaginary’ enemy (which the Sangh identifies with the ‘minority’ category of the university).

Naujawan Bharat Sabha expresses its solidarity with the fighting students of Jamia Millia Islamia and opposes the fascist attitude of Vice Chancellor Mazhar Asif, the authoritarian character of the administration, and the repression of students by the police. NBS expresses its solidarity with the resistance against fascist repression and with the militant struggle for campus democracy. We call upon all conscientious youth and citizens of the country to join this struggle.

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