Activists of NBS working in Karawal Nagar detained by Delhi Police

Activists of NBS working in Karawal Nagar detained by Delhi Police 

 Activists of Naujawan Bharat Sabha working in North East Delhi were detained by Delhi Police on 4 April in the evening. The detention supposedly was made at the behest of RSS who have been stifled by the activities of Naujawan Bharat Sabha, as NBS has been consistently exposing their fascist propaganda amongst the common people and spreading the message of brotherhood and communal harmony as advocated by revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Ashfaqullah Khan, Ram Prasad Bismil and the likes. The activists were arrrested by the Police after they had organized a public meeting on 1 April in Karawal Nagar, Delhi against the incident of manhandling and beating of female students and their parents by the Delhi Police.

On 1st of April the results of class 9th and 11th were published for the girls shift in the Government school in Karawal Nagar. More than 90% of the students had failed in the exams after the result has been displayed on the board at school, the distressed students rushed to the teachers and Principal. The students asked the Principal to look into the matter and asked for re-evaluation of the exam papers. But instead of listening to the students the Principal called the Police which upon reaching the school premises charged on the female students that had gathered there. As the news of the Police beating and manhandling the female students reached to the parents and the guardians of the students they also rushed to the school. When the Parents intervened the Police instead of listening to them beat them as well. The Police arrested a few female students alongwith their parents and took them to the Police station, a daily wage worker who had been passing by happened to ask one the Policemen as to what was happening inside the school and the Policemen in rage beat him and also threw him inside the van. The students were beaten inside the van, abuses were hurled at them while on the way to the Police station. The Police threatened the students and their Parents with false charges and severely beat them. While the Police let the female students go late at night on the 1st of April, the parents were not let off. They were made to spend the night in custody without any fault of theirs. The next day the activists of Naujawan Bharat sabha went to the Police station and asked for their release. An initially relectant Police had to grant bail to the arrested parents as they lacked any evidence against them after the Activists of NBS mounted pressure at them. The activists after getting the arrested released distributed a pamphlet in Karawal Nagar urging the students and their Parents to organize a public meeting on 3rd April to discuss the further course of action. On 4th April the activists distributed a pamphlet outside the school and in the neighbourhood urging the citizens to intervene in the matter so that the future education of the girls is not hindered. But as the news of the pamphlets being distributed reached those who were unhappy with the people uniting for the just cause. Yogesh, an activist of NBS got a call from the Karawal Nagar Police station around noon advising him against distributing the pamphlets or to bear the consequences in the situation of failing to pay heed. Yogesh told the officer on the phone that they are not doing anything illegal , they are simply trying to help the students get justice. At 7 in the evening on 4th April Police barged into the Karawal Nagar located office of Naujawan Bharat Sabha, started abusing and beating the activists present there. The activists were brutally beaten inside the office before being thrown into Police vans, one of the activists Sachin, 16 years of age who is ill with malaria and had been asleep was ruthlessly beaten repeatedly. The activists were not allowed to make any calls. When people from outside called to inquire about the arrested activists they were also abused verbally on the phone. The activists were brutally beaten up inside the Police station .  The Police threatened to slap them with fake charges even as the crowd outside the Police station welled up as the news of their arrest is reached the citizens, the parents of the female students. The RSS saw this an opportune moment to take out their vendetta against the activists of NBS. The Police first beat up the female students and their parents. And when Activists of an organization like Naujawan Bharat Sabha dedicated to the cause of the people intervened the Police is openly taking out vendetta against them.

Due to pressure from common public and phone calls from intellectuals, journalists the Police had to release the activists. However this is not the first incident of the misuse of the Police and state machinery by the Sangh to carry out their personal vendetta. The activists while being released were threatened by the Police that if they dare to distribute pamphlets again or organize any meeting the consequences will be very severe. This goes to show the callous attitude of the Police towards the common man. Upon release the detained activists addressed the people gathered outside the Police station and urged them to carry on their fight for their children’s education. Yogesh, an activist with NBS who was also arrested and harassed by the Police said that this incident blows in the face of the tall claims that Police is there to serve the common people. Whenever the common man goes to the Police a blind eye of apathy is turned to his plight. He further added that when communal venom is spewed by fanatic outfits like RSS no action is taken by the Police let alone any pre-emptive measures but when people try to raise the demands of education, health or employment that is immediately seen as a threat. That is what happened in this incident also.

 A rally was taken out on 5th April in Karawal Nagar by the students of the school and NBS distributing pamphlets in the area calling upon every justice loving citizen to condemn the Police intervention and harassment and also to build pressure on the school authorities for re-evaluation of the exam answersheets so that the girls can resume their studies.

On 6th April a protest demonstration has been called at the Delhi Police Headquarters condemning the brutal Police action and the harassment of the activists and the female students.

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